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The Mogul

Hello, my name is Dominic! I’m an Author, Podcast and Youtube creator, Minister and the founder/CEO of WEIGHTCONSUMEDME LLC! We were founded back in 2012 but established in 2021! I struggled with my weight for my entire adulthood! It has caused a lot of pain and agony! Sometimes I wanted to give up and just throw in the towel but what would that solve! I needed to know how to overcome it and teach others what I’ve learned! In my prayer time is when I cried out to God and said “why me?” Well, He responded with “why not you?” Then it began. Life for me changed in many ways that’s hard to explain at times! Long story short, I realized that my weight loss journey was more than the physical weight! It was Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and so much more weight; that I had been carrying around! Once I began to deal with those other areas; The physical weight slowly but surely with healthy eating and exercise began to fall away! WeightConsumedMe is an online business that has courses and tools which will help any person lose the weight that they desire if they activate and follow through with our programs! It’s an investment into yourself; so ask yourself this question……..How much am I worth??? Am I willing to do what it takes and pay what it takes to live a life of freedom in my body, mind and spirit??? We can help and will help! Just reach out and sign up!!!!! And remember……………..


Join Us

We’re excited to have you guys come aboard! Check in with us and let us show you how to turn your weight into fuel!!!

Can’t Weight To Talk Podcast

This podcast speaks to a variety of people on a variety of subjects. Weight comes in all sizes and shapes with all kinds of issues attached! If you want to hear real situations and life stories…….you know what to do! Click the link and buckle up, because it’s a ride and a long journey!


Are you ready to get started in your weight deliverance journey? Well check out my book! It will get you going forward……….

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out. We are here to help you where we can. You mean a lot to us!


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